
The Faith We Confess: An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion are one of the three historic ‘formularies’ of the Church of England. Along with the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordinal they gave the church its distinctive identity at the time of the Reformation, an identity which has had a formative influence on worldwide Anglicanism. Many parts of the Anglican Communion some have returned to these sources to satisfy a...

that gave a much more traditional presentation of Christian doctrine, though it did not simply restore the old religion as it had been before 1536. There matters rested until Henry died in 1547, leaving his nine-year old son Edward VI (1547–1553) on the throne. Archbishop Cranmer belonged to the regency council and was put in charge of church affairs, which allowed him to introduce more far-reaching changes than had previously been possible. His first public act was to issue a book of sermons, or
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